Well this is turning out to be some hiatus huh? Since I announced it I've made a
Suicide Squad Youtube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWp3SarT-14 and now this posting. But this is important cause I made a good find today at my local comic shop. So if you look a couple of posting behind this one you'll see that Bane was "recruited" by Waller at the tail end of the 2007-2008 Raise the Flag Suicide Squad 8 issue mini-series and also that Deadshot was still a part of the Squad. But in Salvation Run #2 we see that Waller & Flag deem Deadshot and Bane too "unstable" and exile them to the prison planet.

As you can see here prisoners are loaded in a chamber which is then sealed and they are all sucked into an opening boomtube. Flag doesn't give Deadshot and Bane a chance to clear the chamber before it is sealed after they've herded the latest transportees in there. At first I thought it was weird that Salvation Run #2 was published a few months before the end of the From the Ashes mini-series. But then I found in the first issue of Raise the Flag a note informing the readers that all the events of that series come before Operation Salvation Run. What's also note worthy is that we see Scandal Savage getting sent to the prison planet in Checkmate #20 (2008) as well.
http://suicidesquadtaskforcex.blogspot.com/search?q=scandal+savage . So what's the point of this posting you might be saying about now? I guess what I'm getting at is that nearly two years later (March 2010) we see Deadshot along with Bane and Scandal Savage being part of The Secret 6 in the Suicide Squad/Secret 6 Blackest Night cross over story line. Much of the story centers around Waller wanting Deadshot back on Task Force X for which he declines for obvious reasons and shoots Waller near the heart to make his point
The cool thing about Salvation Run #2 is that it let's us see what I'm guessing was the origins of Deadshot becoming a member of The Secret 6 not to mention Bane and Scandal Savage. We also see how and why he was booted from Task Force X which of course explains his resentment for Waller by the time the two teams meet in the Blackest Night cross over.
Which makes me ever so curious how the Hell Deadshot is gonna end up with The Suicide Squad in the September relaunch cause he should still be REALLY pissed off with both Waller and Flag!? Well that's ok cause it wouldn't be the Suicide Squad if the mission wasn't F.U.B.A.R before it even got started.
* F.U.B.A.R (fucked up beyond all recognition)
Deadshot hooked up with what would become the Secret Six in the Villains United mini-series leading into Infinite Crisis, while Salvation Run took place while the Six were on hiatus prior to Final Crisis. "Run" was definitely a jacked-up mini in the Squad vein. You going to buy the new series?
ReplyDeleteaw man, Frank you must not have watched my video. back in 2002 they tried to relaunch the Suicide Squad title but it had very little to do with the first series. i remember having picked up the first issue just by chance. it was at a time when my interest in comics was at a low but i still liked browsing in comic shops once in a while. anyways, i never bothered to get the second issue or any others from that short lived series. so yes i'll check this one out too in Sept. but i won't keep buying it if it sucks. i'll probably do a Youtube video review on issue# 1 as soon as it hits the stands. i've been enjoying making videos this past couple of months with everything from comic book / movie reviews to political protests. i did a scalding Transformers 3 review that got 400 hits already.
ReplyDeleteI saw the Transformers video, but missed the one on Suicide Squad. I'll have to check that out...
ReplyDeleteI think Waller and Flag were incredibly doble-crossers, since they used deadshot for everything they did and then just ditched him.
ReplyDeleteLike they didn't know he was unstable, before.
I would hold a grudge against them too.
About Setember, I don't think Deadshot is going to remember anything.
I'm waiting those new tittles with a mix of anticipation and dread.
well come September they can't just pretend all that bad blood between Waller, Flag and Deadshot is gone. they tricked him into exile and he shot Waller while warning the rest of the Squad (Flag especially!) they'd get a bullet in the head if they came for him again. the writers are going to need to explain how Deadshot is with the Squad again. and i mean a real explanation not some bullshit one.
ReplyDeleteYeah. No Deus Ex Machima there please. Maybe she'll have something seriously juicy to hold over his head. Poor Deadshot. I almost can't blame him for shooting her. Not that I want her dead, mind you. I can just understand why he'd feel the impulse.
ReplyDeleteThere's a lot of optimism in the room. Not only can DCnU completely ignore this, but I'm confident that's exactly the plan. From what I gather, Dick Grayson will start his crime-fighting career as Nightwing without ever having been a Boy Wonder. The New Teen Titans, DC's best-selling book of the '80s, never happened. Under those terms, the Suicide Squad is far from sacred. It's a company-wide excuse to not read back issues or sweat details, because the only things that happened are what a given writer says happened in their latest script.
ReplyDeletei guess it depends how they want to market the relaunch. the last thing a new reader wants to do when jumping on board with a new title is to feel like they'll need to hunt down a bunch of back issues to get the full story. the comic book industry has made buku bucks with that ploy we've all felt it. but at the same time you want to give old school readers some sense of continuity. that's going to be a bit of a tight rope act for DC.
ReplyDeleteTalk about a continuity fuck of epic proportions. I didn't realize just how badly they were messing with things. I still think this is a summer "event" and of course they won't explain that until they're ready to end it. Somebody will notice things are different or will have a weird feeling of deja-vu. Then things will start to unravel from there.
ReplyDeletei can not talk to you..we have hust been hit by a major terrorist attack in norway two attacks one at the parlament and one at the children youth camp..many are flowting dead in the water..20-30 kids..shot by an terroist right..now..see the news..ok talk later..am not afraid..i am very very ANGRY at those terrorist
ReplyDeletei got your message Anita on my blog. i completely understand. i've been to Israel more then once and have good friends there. plus i used to live in New York City and have friends there too. i know something about the horrors of terrorism. my heart felt sympathies for the victims and their families. i hope the bombers will be found quickly and brought to "justice".