Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bronze Tiger & Deadshot by Eddie Nunez, SO FRIGGIN AWESOME!!!

looking at his Eddie Nunez rendering of Bronze Tiger & Deadshot one does not have to give any thought to if they like it. You realize it like a jolt of electricity or like jumping on a bicycle with a missing seat. And I actually mean that in the most positive way. I like how Nunez made up Deadshot in a combination of his "urban" costume and his classic one. But look at the "group shot" image for the challenge I set forth to you all.

Please, don't just blithely wonder off after looking at this posting with out leaving some sort of comment. After a couple months of looking this fan art over by Mike Belcher I finally decided to post it to see what others think of it. I suspect some will either like it or dislike it right away but I'm betting most people will have a hard time figuring out if they like it or not at a glance. I have my own thoughts on the matter but before I share them let's hear a little bit from you all first.


  1. I prefer the second picture. The first is a typical "kewl" pin-up with a black background, funky proportions, and dubious depth of field. The second, while rough and amateurish, inhabits a physical space with a variety of character types and a definite sense of mood. Boomer looks friggin' creepy, Flagg's clearly a hardass, and the Wall is the fatass God intended. The rest are in character and fill out the scene nicely.

  2. "the Wall is the fatass God intended". that may be the quote for all of 2012. aside from that interesting feed back Frank thank you, but let's hear from a few more people before i add my ten cents worth.

  3. It's not pretty, but then the art in Suicide Squad in the 80's wasn't either and did fit the mood of the book.
    This could work, and indeed I like it. I quind of gives me the felling (hope you'll understand) of "A Christmas Carol" characters in most depictions. It is hard and sort of cruel but it is also "true".
    I think I blundered a bit here.

  4. ..A like Deadshot in the first one, but Bronce Tiger seems like out of proportions.

    And For the second, the fact that Oracle is in it, make me love it.

  5. welcome to the comment section here Alien DW. it never occurred to me that might be Oracle on the monitors in the back ground, how about that?

  6. Eddie Nunez has done one of the best Bronze Tigers Ive ever seen. The mask has an asian feel to it and you can clearly see that the man is wearing a battle mask and is not an actual tiger. It's so Tamura Maro

    Deadshot is also done well but I hate the trench coat and boots. It's over done. I don't know what kewl is but it's no denying how commanding and professionally done the two premier killers of the Squad are.

  7. The full Squad is a better picture. Dave your right, I looked it over and over then decided I do like it but I don't like it.

    The caliber of the artwork is good for me, it's stylized and has character. I just don't think Lawton and Turner belong though. They are the two characters in the piece that have no character.

  8. eddies BT is a little to Hulk for my liking but nice in a Capcom style of way. SPeaking of which, I wonder with so many great characters like the Tiger and co why DC dont look more into their own 'street fighter game?

    Sure WB owns MK now but doesnt mean we can't have both.

  9. First of all thank you everybody for your participation I really enjoyed hearing from you all although I must say the results have surprised me somewhat. So here’s what I think of the group image. I like how the artist has it staged. There’s a nice visual balance to how the characters positioned. Their expressions and body language are also pretty well reflective of their personalities. The artist also has a very distinctive style which I think is important. Like with Mike Magnola who I’m not that crazy about but at least when you see his stuff you know it’s him.
    Well as it turns out I’m not that crazy about this guy’s style either. His style make every body here look too much like caricatures of themselves like something you’d see in a MAD magazine take off. The worst of the bunch is Boomerang and Waller. He looks too “goulish” and Waller looks like someone with a skin pigment condition. I would probably be more into this rendering if the artist’s style was at least a little less extreme.

  10. Omega, I agree with you but I think the "overdone" thing is part of the Anime style (superfluous buckles on jackets, hair details, spikes and angles on body armor, etc...). I really liked the slightly different take on Deadshot and thought the trench was a nice touch.

    I like the second picture but I've never been a fan of that style. I've always been more of an anime fan. Both good pics though Dave.

  11. thanks for the input Craig. art is truly such a subjective thing is it not?

  12. You know, I love the first one. It's beautiful and clean and was obviously "finished". Some artists don't finish. Hence the second picture. This is definitely someone who chicken scratched and it kind of looks like he forgot to erase some lines. Which is cool, if you're into that. Some people feel it makes the subjects more "real" but to me it always felt like laziness. Or that they lost all their erasers. Might have to give him the benefit of the doubt on that one. It definitely is interesting enough to warrant a second look, though, because the artist has talent. Doesn't mean it's always the one you want to look at, though.
