Left click to enlarge it looks awesome! |
I made some good finds recently in some $1 bins. First I found
Countdown 39 which was part of this on going series in the old DCU that covered multiple story arcs with numerous characters and teams. What it all culminated to I'm not sure to be honest but I do know it featured the Suicide Squad here and there. During the Countdown series (as in other titles like Gotham Underground and Checkmate) we see The Squad hunting down meta criminals in order to have them sent off to a prison planet via boom tube technology (
Operation Salvation Run). In this particular issue
The Penguin who is now a restaurant owner pretends to provide safe haven to
The Trickster and
The Pied Piper but sells them out to The Squad shortly there after.
Isn't that one of the coolest pieces of
Bronze Tiger clip art you've ever scene? He looks Hella bad ass here this makes me wanna go pump some iron. However, Trickster and Piper manage to elude capture and it wouldn't be the first time. Deadshot in particular starts getting really pissed about that and eventually catches up with them on his own and kills The Trickster as seen in a previous posting:
Left click to enlarge |
I was also able to pick
Superboy #13 and 14 (1995) which are the final two issues that complete the
"Watery Grave" story arc in which Superboy and The Suicide Squad team up in order to invade and take down the under water headquarters of a criminal organization (Silicon Dragons) that deals in stolen high tech. A while back I found issue #12 in the same $1 bins you can see that posting here:
The King of the dollar bin finds strikes again! Excellent work, my friend. The Bronze Tiger looks particularly feral in that piece.
ReplyDeleteI've been waiting to run up on Superboy 12-14, to add to my issues of Squad appearances. Deadshot gets in the kill shot here and the supercool snapshot as well. These are two dynamic scenes of the Bronze Tiger also. Nice find my friend.
ReplyDeletewell i can tell you this OA1, the Superboy run is pretty cool but it's not the most essential SS tie-in out there. unlike the Checkmate issues out there that tie-in to the SS. the events in these SB issues don't really effect the ongoing SS narrative in the old DCU. it's kind of a stand alone thing which happens to only feature Deadshot, Boomerang and some Amanda Waller as far as the Squad from Ostrander series goes. so as dollar bin finds it was all good but it's not like it would have been worth paying for them on ebay where you'd also have to incur a S+H cost too.
Deletehaving some of the essential tie-in issues from Checkmate are more important since those issues featured stuff like Bronze Tiger rescuing a presumed dead Rick Flag from a foreign jail and Waller getting booted as the White Queen setting her up to be the director of Task Force X again in the Raise the Flag 9 issue mini-series.
thanks for the comment on the ROM blog i'm hoping that will inspire some BT fan art of of you soon. which you can color in photoshop of course. cmon brotha let's go Eye of the Tiger!
Nice finds man. I just bought a new TPB of Bane stories at Wal-Mart. It reprints Bane of the Demon, 52#48, Bane of the Bat, and another story. All good stuff to get you in the mood for Dark Knight Rises.
ReplyDeleteI too used to have most of the "Watery Grave" issues. I didn't buy the last one, revealing Cap'n Boomerang betraying the team(how many times has he done that now?)
And yes like you, I too bought them because I was a blossoming SS fan at the time. Plus now that I've had the benefit of time to learn more about the series, you'll remember that Karl Kesel was a former inker on SS, so it's not like he was pulling the team out of thin air.
Good stuff, that floated under the radar.
And you'd have to be a major SS fan to pick up issues of Countdown. Other than being mildly interested in the death of the Trickster, there was really nothing more to the series, except maybe the team of Donna Troy, Kyle Rayner, and Red Hood doing the multiverse hop.
yeah i hear ya on the countdown series from what i've seen but for that issue it was well worth the buck to get it and be able to feature that nice clip art here. and yes you're absolutely right about Kesel and with Capt. Boomerang having been revealed as a traitor which in turn caused Deadshot to shoot his hands.
DeleteKesel also worked with Byrne and Ostrander on the LEGENDS mini-series which was the Squad's first appearance.
Yep. I don't know if you have it, but being a major SS fan, you might; that Wizard issue that did an interview w/ all of the major creative players from Ostrander's SS run. Good, informative stuff.
ReplyDeletei seem to remember an issue of Wizard that had an article about the then upcoming Raise the Flag mini-series. obviously Ostrander would have been a big part of that article but back in those days i didn't pay much attention to the SS's creative team. it's funny but being interested in writers and artists of comics is only something that's occurred with me in the last 2-3 years. before all i cared about was the actual comics themselves. back in my teens and twenties when ever i'd come across comic related publications that had articles about the comic biz i'd always find them a bore to read even if it had to do with titles i liked. now i enjoy learning about the careers and styles of writers and artists almost as much as the stories they work on.
DeleteI missed that wizard issue Dale. What's the number, maybe I can find it.
Deletewell, wouldn't remember something like that but you might be able to find out through deduction. the Raise the Flag mini-series #1 has Nov. 2007 as it's publishing date. so it would be reasonable to assume it must have been a Wizard issue around that time frame.
DeleteI used to be like that too, and then I smartened up and learned to appreciate those aspects of the business. I liken it to learning the names of the members in a particular band you like. Of course I have natural aptitude to like History, so maybe that's me. But hey, I figure of you're not well-informed than you can't really complain or talk well enough about a particular subject if you don't know the important details and history of the subject you're talking about.
ReplyDeleteLucky finds!
ReplyDeleteThose were very good issues.
I was very sleepy last night :)
ReplyDeleteThe Suicide Squad during 53 had all the ingridients of the action/feel I recognise as being the squad.
Those were very short apearences but, they allways left me feeling there was more to come.
If Deadshot hadn't killed the Trickester. It would have been one of my favorite runs of the team.
The Superboy crossover, was important to me, because it was the last time I read any SS related stuff for many years, although the story was a bit poor. And Deadshot, shot Boomerang's hands.
My vindictive side, says in this new universe Deadshot should be shot. :)
Ah the memories... and you got them at a $1 dollar bin? Lucky man.
ReplyDeleteif you do a key word search on this blog for $1 bins you'd be surprised how much great shit i've found over the last couple of years.