Back during the 2008 presidential campaign the whole possibility of the first black or female ( sorry Hillary) president had everybody so excited. I remember this one news special where they went around and asked black women if they identified with Hillary more because she is a woman or Obama more because he was black. The responses were interesting but if Amanda Waller were running for president that would have made much more in roads to this "change we can believe in" stuff that neither Obama, or Hillary (ditto for the MaCain/Palin ticket) could have competed with. But the most important thing is, unlike Obama or probably Hillary had she won, Amanda Waller would be able to get shit done! Just think about it. With all her connections as Checkmate's former White Queen to say nothing about having been the director of Task Force X, no one else would be better suited to dealing with Washington's bipartisan bullshit politics in a "decisive" manner. When it comes down to the 2012 presidential elections at this rate I'll just be writing in Amanda Waller I think just for the hell of it. Here's a good question for you all, based on what you know of the Amanda Waller character do you think she would run as a democrat, republican or as an independent?
That's a little dicey for me to answer, as our parties here are spilt in different styles, but I'd say she'd run as an independent. I don't see her following any ones beat for too long.
ReplyDeletePlus I don't think she's motivated by either socialism or capitalism over the other. Her world is more Black and White than politics. 'Do what needs to be done' rather than get bogged down in some red tape / excuse generator.
The Wall thrives under conservative administrations, and withers under liberal ones. I'm not 100% sure where her loyalties lie, but I doubt she could win as anything other than a republican.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Dan. Her world is more Black and White than politics. I really can't see her running as anything at all. I can see her sitting around scoffing at those that do, because really, she is one of the real powers of the world. If she were to run for political office, she would no longer be able to "get shit done".
ReplyDeleteBut to answer your question simply if forced, purely from a defense budget perspective: Republican. Because an Independent can't win. Not yet.
excellent commentary everyone! i actually thought i had this one pretty much figured out when i wrote this posting but then i read what you all had to say and it's causing me to re-evaluate more earlier assertions. that doesn't happen to me very often being the self absorbed arrogant sob that i am.
ReplyDeleteWe love you just the way you are David. Without your point of view we'd have no blog to post on.
ReplyDeleteShe's not just a Republican, she's on the hard Right. She's get drummed out by moderates at the Convention stage.
ReplyDeleteafter reading all your comments and much and much deliberation i think i see Waller as more of a ball busting democrat with like Hillary Clinton that everybody thinks of as a bitch, like Hillary. don't forget about Waller's humble beginnings and the family tragedy she suffered early in life.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course being married to Billy all those years tends to make one a bit surly