Interestingly enough this happened at a time when Vixen's powers were a bit out of whack in which she was using the powers of those around her (both friend and foe) instead of abilities derived from the animal kingdom. Vixen is pretty bad ass on any given day but unless your Superman or Wonder Woman you gotta have some kind of edge if your going to take on the Suicide Squad solo.
The other thing at the time was that this was a double feature issue which meant the JLA/Suicide Squad cross over was shorter then the standard 22 page comic book format. And the second story involved the red Tornado who I was never a big fan off. Mostly because of that garish look of his. He gives the original Capt. Boomerang a run for his money. In that way the Red Tornado is kinda like the Wonder Man of the DC Universe in which the creative teams were never able to put together a decent look for him over the years. But I'm glad I read that Red Tornado story anyw
ays because it was good and gave some excellent insight into the character. Being an android, RT reminds me a lot of The Vision from Marvel. Especially the part where talks about living is among other things "making love to my wife and then smelling her scent on me after wards". So yes I'd say here's one android who can appreciate some of the upsides of being human. I think RT could stand to give Data from Star Trek a good talking too about the birds and the bees. Also, the RT story opens up with a line about droids dreaming about electric sheep. All you Blade Runner fans should have picked up on that. I want to make sure I don't conclude this posting with out mentioning that the art through out the entire issue was kick ass. If only DC would give this guy a visual make over we'd be all set.
The other thing at the time was that this was a double feature issue which meant the JLA/Suicide Squad cross over was shorter then the standard 22 page comic book format. And the second story involved the red Tornado who I was never a big fan off. Mostly because of that garish look of his. He gives the original Capt. Boomerang a run for his money. In that way the Red Tornado is kinda like the Wonder Man of the DC Universe in which the creative teams were never able to put together a decent look for him over the years. But I'm glad I read that Red Tornado story anyw

Okay. Wait a second. There is no way that RT's costume is in any way approaching the garish monstrosity that is Captain Boomerang's. For one thing, you can't look at him and say "Hey! Is he wearing a really long shirt? Or is that a dress?" And they have made RT into a increasingly interesting character, especially with his relationship with Cyborg. And I've always thought they handled him better as an android/human than Marvel ever handed the Vision.
ReplyDeleteBut yes, I agree that issue caused geeky squeals of delight. I dream of electric sheep frequently. But I'm pretty sure I'm not a replicant. Pretty sure.
Seeing vixen take on the SS was awesome although a little fanboy dream. Like you say it's a pretty hard feat to do alone, let alone when the General is on side, who in Grant Morrisons landmark run often held the entire JLA to ransom as the Shaggy Man (talking of make overs)!
ReplyDeleteAs for Reddy I just never got how the cape generally floats above his tornado - or why he has one. It's like the cape has it's own physics defying abilities, and it reminds me now of that scene in the Incredibles on the danger of capes. At least Michael Turner tried to fix that.
excellent comments! it's good to have you back Randomnerd. funny you should mention the whole replicant thing. you happen to have something in common with a certain replicant who kicks the shit out of Harrison Ford while doing acrobatics. Dan, i had a feeling i'd be hearing from you on this posting.
ReplyDeleteI don't usually think of me and Daryl Hannah having much in common, so it took me a while to figure that one out. I'd blame it on being a blonde...but yeah. I'm not. Nice one Dave. And Dan, I have wanted to walk up behind every caped superhero and tug on it and say "NO CAPES!" ever since I saw that movie. Well. Maybe not Batman.
ReplyDeleteNow there's a movie I haven't seen in ages, at least since they released the Director's cut quite a few years ago.
ReplyDeletei like the original version much better. the narrating that Harrison Ford does in it helps explain things a bit better plus gives the original more of a "cop movie" feel to it.
ReplyDeleteI was disappointed the narration was removed from the DC as well. It really took away from what was an incredible film.
ReplyDeleteYes! The narration always made it feel more like film noir...like an old Bogey film. Although once I read the story it was taken from it took me years to watch the movie again without bitterness. I can appreciate it again now. Snakes and all. Although I still wish it had the electric sheep.
ReplyDeletei read the book that Blade Runner was based on. plus there was a graphic novel adaptation of it. i didn't like either. especially at the end which was very anti-climatic. the original version of Blade Runner stands alone as a great film for the ages.
ReplyDeleteOh, but Philip K. Dick was a Master! There hasn't been a book of his that I haven't preferred to the movie adaptation. Although "A Scanner Darkly" was very good. But that might just be my own preference for holding the pages in my hand. It did take me a while to learn to appreciate each separately, and for their own value. Much like it takes me a while to appreciate comic book movies when they mess about with my plot lines. Like the end of Watchmen. With no giant squid. That was a three day rant.