As fucked up as Roy Harper's life was there was at least one upside to
it. He was getting it on with Cheshire at one point which almost made
all that grief worth it. According to her wiki page she's half French,
half Vietnamese and crazy as a shit house rat which means she's an
exotic looking woman that's garunteed to rock your world in the bed
room. Catman might know something about that too by the way. So moving
on, Elektra needs no introduction. So here we have two of some of the
top Femme Fatales in the Marvel and DC Universe. Which is the deadliest
The Hayoth derives it's name from the four living beasts of Ezekiel and revelations.
The Specter # 15 (Left Click to enlarge) |
Ramban takes his code name from a great Kabbalist mage of old. He is the leader of The Hayoth and in terms of his powers he's basically the Jewish version of Marvel's Dr. Strange. Ramban has the Hebrew symbol for Aleph on his chest.
Suicide Squad #47 (Left Click to enlarge) |
With similar powers to that of Marvel's Sandman,
Golem takes his code name from a mythical creature made of clay or mud from ancient Jewish folklore. Typically a golem was animated through magic for a specific cause and possessed great strength and was largely invulnerable to conventional attacks.
Dybbuk is a sentient program that is interfaced with Israel's military and intelligence service computer network. Dybbuk also helps coordinate Hayoth field operations. The code name Dybbuk also comes from Jewish folklore which has to do with a dislocated soul that was able to possess people.
Suicide Squad #60 |
Judith takes
her code name from a name in Hebrew that means "praised". She is The
Hayoth's assassin, spy master, saboteur, weapons expert and all around martial
arts femme fatale. A hypothetical show down between her and Cheshire or Elektra
would also be pretty interesting. Although not on Bronze Tiger's or Batman's
level she's been able to hold her own against them in combat for a duration of
Let me go back to Marvel for a moment since I'm giving you all the low down on the code names for these Israeli superheros. I'm sure most of you know the
Sabra character. An actual sabra is the Hebrew word for a pear like desert cactus fruit that's bristling with thorns. Aside from superhuman strength and the ability to fly Sabra fires energy quills that are powerful enough to even hurt The Hulk. Sabra works for Mossad which is Israel's version of the CIA (in real life too). Mossad is the Hebrew word for department. The word sabra is also slang for for native born Israelis.
Coming soon, Roy Harper and Cheshire fan art along with more fan art and cosplay.