Thursday, November 28, 2013

Let's do it Tiger style

If this fan art from Mexican artist Tuli19mx looks familiar to you it's because it's been around for a while as line art but just recently the artist got around to coloring it. What I like about it is that it kinda gives me a sense of what Bronze Tiger might have looked like had he ever made an appearance on Justice League Unlimited. Instead we only ever got to see him on that shitty cartoon Batman: Brave and The Bold or whatever it was called. By the way welcome back from the dead Tiger OA1.

I just want to make this quick update here. I came across an exceptionally good artist from India on deviant art who did a fan art piece of the DC52 Squad. From a strictly illustration stand point this guy hits it out of the park. I couldn't help but mention how much I hated the whole reboot and that I'd love to see this guy's skill applied to doing some fan art of the 80s Squad. He turned out to be really cool and he also likes the John Ostrander Squad. He says he'll let me know as soon as he gets to doing another piece that has the real Suicide Squad but in the mean time check this out be sure to magnify it the details are great


  1. You know what? I actually really like this color scheme better. Idk why, other than my obvious bias towards the color black, but it works here. It really, really does.

    1. well you know Dale what they say about once you go black.

    2. You'll never take coffee with cream again?

  2. Damn, this is nice. I'm glad the artist put some color to it. A justice league unlimited cameo would have been soooo cool (oversight on there part). Shlomo, I'm not back as of yet. I'm suppose to be writing a paper right now, but I'm blogging. You guys got to tell me to get to work before I go on a blogging binge again.

    Dale, black is that color that adds another dimension to things. I want my Tampa Bay Buccaneers to add black to the red, orange and gold uniforms. Or black to the old throwback orange. Maybe they'll add some damn wins too.

  3. I believe they would have had him in the show if they'd done another season. I love the color too, except for the bits on the face. Which are a little too day-glo. But overall a nicely done representation.

    @Tiger, I'll tell you to get back to work if you do the same for me. ;)

  4. "Cracks the whip" Get to work Tiger! Mush, mush! Ha ha.
    @Ging: "You'll never take creme in your coffee..." Nice one;)
    Wait you don't like creme? Hmmmm......

    Another season would've been nice, especially with BT and a bunch of other characters that wound up on Batman:B&B instead.
    Still pissed GL and YJ didn't have a chance for another go. I guess we can always speculate that Razor eventually found Aiya with the help of his new Blue Lantern ring.
