Sunday, March 25, 2012
Suicide Squad #10 cover art preview

Friday, March 23, 2012
Deadshot takes out Bullseye in the arena of DC vs Marvel

Bullseye is quite a bad ass who like Deadshot never misses. So in a hypothetical showdown between the two it's quite plausible that their roles as you see here might turn out in the reverse. But since this cover concept looks so awesome staged as it is and because this is after all is The Suicide Squad blog I'm happy to present this cover concept here as is from the Super Team Family blog spot: http://braveandboldlost.blogspot.com/
If you like this then you'll probably also dig my Bronze Tiger vs Iron Fist cover concept as well: http://thebronzetiger.blogspot.com/2012/01/dave-to-rescue.html
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Suicide Squad #7 review: Try not too loose your head hunting for Harley

Inside police HQ Harley uses various items stored there like land mines and road flares in order to out wit both Savant and Deadshot (she's so bad ass!) and get the drop on them both (but not at the same time). Outside King Shark and Lime n' Light try to make good their escape but Lime is injured by police fire and is captured. She attempts to spill her guts about the Squad to the authorities and Queen Waller basically says off with her head and detonates her nano bomb http://insidepulse.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/SuicideSquad_7_011.jpg
During a flash back seq

Back in real time Harley has Deadshot tied to a chair in some kind of bizarre psychological ritual that involves her making Lawton wear the Joker's face in order to give her the illusion of being reunited with her lover. But little does she suspect that Lawton has worked one of his hands free and goes for a miniature double barrel single shot gun hidden in the heel of his boots. He then shoots her in the gut which brings their little role playing game to an abrupt end http://insidepulse.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/SuicideSquad_7_021.jpg So ends that issue which leaves the Squad with a body missing a head, Harley in critical condition and Yo-Yo presumably still inside King Shark since we don't get to see him in this issue. If you haven't read the issue you can refer to the previous posting to read at least a portion of it online and I'll post links as I find them to other online pages for this issue.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Suicide Squad #7 preview. There's some serious MAD LOVE going on here.

So aside from th
at little trip down memory lane from the old DC Universe I offer you all an opportunity to read the first 5 pages of Suicide Squad #7. But if you think you can wait till next week I'll shoot to have a full review out on new comic book day. Either way be sure to come back here I'm sure the continued Harley Quinn origin story will not disappoint.

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