This just showed about a couple of hours ago in the comments section of the Amanda Waller team 7 posting from July 1st.
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Now I have no way of knowing if this is the real Adam Glass or somebody just screwing with me. But based on his CBR interview this certainly sounds like Glass so I'll just go with it for now. First of all Adam I'm pretty sure my Facebook messages went to the right "Adam Glass". This is you no?
Aside from this looking like you as far as I can tell based on the CBR video interview this Adam Glass is friends with the former colorist of the Suicide Squad relaunch
Val Staples (nice guy we used to chat online) and the current artist
Federico Dallocchio who's done much of the penciling on the title so far.
But if you say you didn't get my FB messages for what ever reason then so be it. But fuck it it doesn't matter now. First I'd like to say thank you for taking the time to leave that rather diplomatic comment that was pretty cool of you. Of course I can't help but feel like kind of a dick for the things I've said about your work in the SS relaunch now that I've heard from you here. But it's how I felt and I was being honest about it and this blog is pretty much for that sort of thing.
However, that being said I want to reiterate that
I DO NOT think you are bad writer. Because if I did I wouldn't have liked this book from the beginning. And I did for quite a while (as mentioned in the previous posting) which Val will vouch for me on that. I even used to have heated debates with others on the net who were giving it a bad wrap from the beginning. I know it's not easy even for a professional to put yourself out there like you do and soldier on even in the midst of catching Hell so I do sympathize.
I can't say in all honestly that I will continue to buy the book at the moment but I will keep following it which I would have done anyways for curiosity's sake at least. But I can promise you that in the event it genuinely starts to grab me again I certainly will be more then happy to throw down my $2.99 a month for it along with all relevant Suicide Squad tie-ins in the new DC Comics Universe.
Sincerely, The Shlomo
P.S. You better be the real Adam Glass cause if I just got punked I'm gonna be pissed! And to the rest of you my one $1 bin posting will be delayed for a couple of days for obvious reasons.