Who's reading the new Suicide Squad from the old DC Universe?

This break down isn't based on any hard evidence this is just my estimation and needless to say there's some room for debate on these percentages. However, I think the majority of current readers of the Squad are old school fans and even for those that are enjoying the book I think it's safe to say what they are all going to want sometime soon.
Now I have to give credit where credit is due because the producers of the Suicide Squad relaunch have gambled on a pretty risky formula with everything from Waller's weight to the Task Force X roster. Although as far as the fuss over Harley's costume was something I don't think DC ever saw coming. And so far they've handled it all pretty well with some great story telling and good character development. But at the end of the day the majority of the readers are gonna want to see something close to the original Squad together again along with or with out some non-original members in the mix. With out that crucial ingredient being added soo

n I think most people will eventually walk away from this book. I'm sure DC wants the Suicide Squad relaunch to stand on it's own legs and not be dependent on too much cross over from the old DCU but I would urge DC to remember that "the customer is always right". In this case we're the customers.
I'm sure some of the current readers like myself would also like to see
Checkmate finally show up especially since Waller made a reference to that sister agency in issue#2 . Some good characters came from that title such as
Sasha Bordeaux. Besides you can't have a DC Universe that has Kobra (now called Bisalisk which I think is kinda lame) and not Checkmate. That's like having Cobra and no G.I.Joe or a french fries with out mayonnaise if you're from Holland (yeah, I know).
Throwing a bone to
Secret Six fans by having
Catman (but with a new costume please!) or perhaps
Cheshire come aboard would probably be a good idea to. I really liked Cheshire in the
Villains United mini-series and she's awesome in
Young Justice (which I still watch and love). She's sexy and I love her whole smart ass shit talking it reminds me of my Youtube videos. But is there room on Task Force X for both Cheshire and Harley Quinn? Would they play well together? Plus, that's a real handful even for Waller. And as for the Harley Quinn fans who don't like her being in the Suicide Squad I say fuck em they're a bunch of assholes.

Speaking of bringing original Squad members back into the fold I found some cool stuff on Deviant Art recently. Not only is it a good stand alone piece but it would make for a great cover too. This artist really has a good eye for layouts and I would know given that I used to work in publishing as a graphic designer. Preview art for issues 9 and 10 suggest a DC 52 debut for Werner Vertigo. Let's hope that's the case and that this will be part of an ongoing trend of the old school Squad characters making their DCU relaunch debut.