So it's my day off today and I decided to get back to some blogging. This afternoon there was this movie on called Broken Arrow which starred Christian Slater and John Travolta. It's not the best action movie ever but it's not bad either. As it turns out Howie Long plays this supporting role as a henchmen for the main bad guy played by Travolta. Long's character doesn't really have a whole lot to say nor do they get into his past or anything but you get the distinct impression he's some sort of former military guy turned mercenary. He's got a classic crew cut and is wearing this olive green T-shirt and fatigue pants. At some point as I was casually watching it earlier today it occurred to me that looks wise Howie Long really fits the bill as Rick Flag. 6 plus feet tall and well built as you would expect with him being a former NFL star. He's got the whole squared jaw thing going on and in general has that all American Marlboro man look. Howie Long and military uniforms both field and formal dress go together like radical leftists and 3rd world dictatorships.
The question is does he have the acting chops to pull of even the modest acting role of Rick Flag? The only feature film he has ever starred in as far as I know was Firestorm (not the DC character) in which he plays some sort of park ranger forest firefighter. I've never seen it but if any of your out there have let us know how he did and if you think he could be Rick Flag.
Also: 3000 Miles to Graceland and Broken Arrow.
ReplyDeletePhysically a good fit, but Flagg has to carry a lot of the acting. I don't know who I'd cast, but he'd have to be capable.
Is Max Martini too rough?
welcome back Siskoid haven't heard from you on here in a while now. i did a Google search on this Martini guy and i am completely unfamiliar with him. but do you think the Flag role would require some heavy lifting acting wise? i'm mean if i looked the part i think i could do a good job of playing an emotionally devoid patriotic bad ass. i mean ask any of my ex girlfriends and they'll pretty much tell ya that's not too far off from my actual personality. but that's beside the point i think the toughest aspect of having to play Flag is that whole not being interested in women stuff. by the way did you know it's commander Flag now?
ReplyDeleteI only saw him in Bronken arrow, and I remember the acting skills (and somethings more) of many of the actors, but Howie Long, even though I remember him, didn't stand off that much to me. Then again, his role was not the most well writen, so, he might be better than was able to show. I believe he does look the part, but would have to dye his hair some shades darker. Would look better.
ReplyDeleteI don't know Dave...Howie can't really act. And he's not THAT good looking....I think we could find someone who could do the whole package a bit better. He needs to have the whole tortured thing down a bit more. But be able to have that mask slam down and do his duty.
ReplyDeleteYeah. He's not that good looking, on a woman point of view. And our POV is very important when it comes to casting :D.
ReplyDeleteThere must be some other though looking guy, with a bit more depth. The kind of guy Nightshade would overlook, his being a cold shoulder.
very valid points of view from my two imaginary girlfriends. i'm not sure how to respond to it other then to offer up Nathan Fillian as an alternative possibly. he's in a well done fan made Green Lantern trailer and seems to be the guy people would have preferred for the role of Hal Jordan.
ReplyDeleteHe was much better in his Radio Shack spots with Terry Hatcher, and he's currently an analyst on Fox NFL Sunday. He's better than he was in his acting days in the '90's. Still not great. I know he might be a bit young looking for the part, but how about Adam Baldwin (Chuck, Firefly)? Definitely plays cold, tough, military type on screen. And he can throw some wiseass in if needed.
ReplyDeleteDave, big surprise, I think Fillion would have been far superior as Hal Jordan too. I think Reynolds is a great actor, one of my favorites, but it doesn't fit. Not in the trailer anyway. We'll see I guess.
not you too Craig? well i think when my final casting call posting is published at the beginning of Feb. you all might want to do a Julius Cessar on me. well more alternatives to Long could be Thomas Jane, Erin Eckhart or even Ray Stevenson.
ReplyDeleteI like the Adam Baldwin idea...that could work. Definitely. Or Ray Stevenson. He has that magnetic pull that could make a woman ignore the fact that he's a total prick and has the emotional appeal of a...well. A banana. And I really think he could pull off the whole patriotic mercilessness thing. The more I think about it the more I think Ray Stevenson is the best choice, actually.
ReplyDeleteThanks Random, for both the initial nod to my idea then subsequent kick in the nads when you dismissed it. All good though, as rarely do my ideas amount to little more than hate, discontent, and a people running for cover.
ReplyDeleteThose are all good picks Dave. Thomas Jane needs a chance to redeem himself after that Punisher mess (although one of the top ten best-worst endings ever....take a page from the Naked Gun playbook why don't you). Eckhart could pull it off too. I'm still holding out that he's going to show up for a cameo in the next Dark Knight movie though, so as far as I'm concerned, he's going to be busy for the next few months filming with Nolan & co.
that was some great feed back folks! rest assured i have a posting coming up soon that will stir up this casting debate again and make the riots in egypt going on right now look like the play house room at the local McDonalds.
ReplyDeleteOh gosh! CDerosby! I didn't mean to aim there! I do think Adam could pull it off...it's just that when I thought about it Ray would make a truly awesome Flagg. But Baldwin would work totally and was a truly awesomely inspired choice. And I'm not just saying that because Jane was my second favorite character after Wash in Firefly. Really.
ReplyDeleteActually I think Adam Baldwin is a very good idea for about... anything!
ReplyDeleteBaldwin for Flag Role!
Baldwin for Flag Role!
Baldwin for Flag Role!
Jayne was my reason to watch Firefly.
ReplyDeleteholy shit now i know who you guys are talking about. i remember him way back from that movie My Bodyguard. he certainly has the right persona for the part but i'm just kinda stuck on how Howie just looks so much like Flag.