Adam Glass

well as a quick but comprehensive Harley Quinn origin recap.

““Brilliant, driven people are already a little crazy.” laughs SUICIDE SQUAD writer Adam Glass. “What we do with Harley Quinn is show the tipping point.” THE HUNG FOR HARLEY QUINN is a two-part meat grinder in SUICIDE SQUAD #6 and #7. Revealing among other things–the origin of Harley Quinn.”
Read more about New interior art from SUICDE SQUAD #6 revealed | Joker's Lair on:
Read more about New interior art from SUICDE SQUAD #6 revealed | Joker's Lair on:
““Brilliant, driven people are already a little crazy.” laughs SUICIDE SQUAD writer Adam Glass. “What we do with Harley Quinn is show the tipping point.” THE HUNG FOR HARLEY QUINN is a two-part meat grinder in SUICIDE SQUAD #6 and #7. Revealing among other things–the origin of Harley Quinn.”
Read more about New interior art from SUICDE SQUAD #6 revealed | Joker's Lair on:
Read more about New interior art from SUICDE SQUAD #6 revealed | Joker's Lair on:
““Brilliant, driven people are already a little crazy.” laughs SUICIDE SQUAD writer Adam Glass. “What we do with Harley Quinn is show the tipping point.” THE HUNG FOR HARLEY QUINN is a two-part meat grinder in SUICIDE SQUAD #6 and #7. Revealing among other things–the origin of Harley Quinn.”
Read more about New interior art from SUICDE SQUAD #6 revealed | Joker's Lair on:
Read more about New interior art from SUICDE SQUAD #6 revealed | Joker's Lair on:
Heya! Remember me? It's ChasingYuffentine from dA! ^^
ReplyDeleteYou commented on one of my journals and we had a brief chat on both dA and youtube.
In any case, I'm PSYCHED for the new issue of SS! I'm gonna go over to Zapp Comics later today and pick up a copy. ;3
I read the preview a few days ago on USA Today. It was... quite hilarious! ^^
I love how Harley manages to be so clever and sneaky while managing to make it so unexpectedly funny. No offense to pre-52 Harley, but THIS is how she was meant to be portrayed: as the highly intelligent, sneaky, sexy, and humorous ex-psychiatrist she was MEANT TO BE!
I'm going to be honest: SS is my first DC Comics comic, so I haven't read any comics involving Harley except for one issue of Catwoman that she appears in (from the 1990s).
My only points of reference are Gotham Girls and Batman: TAS. In both, Harley acts like she LOST her intelligence and became--as Harley herself puts it in one episode--"just another blonde bimbo" (though she wasn't calling herself one, obviously. I just thought the quote fit what she was in TAS perfectly).
Adam Glass, however, saw Harley's potential to be a villain all her own, and an INTELLIGENT and sexy one to boot! I love him for that~
It's because of Glass that Harley Quinn is FINALLY the character she was meant to be: highly intelligent (to the point where it seems that so far, she's at least two steps ahead of the Squad) one who knows the inner machinations of the human mind to at least some degree (she was a psychiatrist, after all), sneaky, sexy, and able to hold her own in battle.
I mean, I'm pretty sure that when Harley faces the Squad (and you KNOW she'll have to at some point), she's not going to go quietly; she's gonna it 'em HARD.
Glass even said himself that not everyone was gonna come out of the mission alive. Harley MUST be hiding some sort of trick up her sleeve, something superpower-like (even IF she's claimed NOT to have superpowers; for now, I'm semi-calling BS). Like I said on dA, how else would she have managed to get a trained employee to so easily slip up and deactivate her nanobomb outside of protocol? If you want to take it a step further, how else would she have managed the riot of an ENTIRE maximum-security prison?
Neither seem like something someone without SOME SORT of power could do.
In any case, I can't wait to read SS #6 later on! ^^
Nice talking to you again,
i just posted this like 30 minutes ago so thank you for that rather extensive feed back. i'm starting to hear more and more from Harley fans like yourself instead of the whiny ones for a change so thank you. you raise a lot of good points and questions and it sounds like you're at a pretty good staring point for your Harley fandom i'm glad to have you over here.
DeleteWhy, thank you. I'm glad you think so, and I'm glad to be here. =)
DeleteIt's nice to know that others are indeed embracing the new (and--in my opinion--improved) Harley Quinn. I respect that other people feel differently, but it's a shame that none of those people noticed how ironically out of character the old Harley was. Like I said before, New-52 Harley Quinn is how the character was MEANT to be portrayed; not as some bubble-headed (at times near-idiotic) sidekick who could hardly get in two punches before losing.
Plus, for those who think her new costume is "too slutty", I personally think it--in a way--shows how confident a woman she is. Yes, it's sexy, but I don't think it's slutty by ANY means. That's just my interpretation. Plus, I also think it represents her sadistically playful, joking nature.
remind me, which was your Harley Quinn piece on Deviant Art?
DeleteIt was the "WHOSE RESPONSIBLE THIS?!- Harley Quinn" piece. It was made for a contest on a different website, the owner of which isn't at all fond of Harley's redesign. There's even a disclaimer in the description that makes clear that I do indeed adore Harley's redesign.
DeleteIf you'd like, I could draw something better of Harley. :3
Besides, the original piece implies that I DON'T like the redesign. As a matter of fact, I WILL draw something new. I'll let you know when the piece is done! :3
By the way, I read the new issue of SS. It's absolutely amazing. I can't wait for issue #7 now. xD
Harley is officially the most popular member of the new SS. And rightfully so Mr.Glass has turned the volume all the way up and we can't help but feel the vibration.
DeleteThe link was bleeding cool just like that chicks outfit (blue bodysuit with glove attached sleeves).......
can Harley be an excepted stand alone character without the Joker and still be her same crazy, sexy, cool self? Hell Yea!
Without a doubt shes it and good writing proves it. Deadshot was suppose to be the A list character with his huge fan base to ground and carry the book. But right now it's Harley Quinn that has the spotlight.
Ha ha! I entirely agree with every single point. :3
Deleteyeah you both are right for the most part but in all fairness to the Deadshot reboot is that the Harley reboot has created way more controversy which is always good for boosting interest in a character. it's kinda like that saying about how there's no such thing as bad publicity.
ReplyDeleteby the way i'm having some tech. issue with my internet service at home so i'm having to leave this comment from a computer at the library. hopefully everything on my end will be back to normal in the next couple of days. thanks for the comments.