The story: If you checked out the #6 preview link a couple of postings back then you'd see that the issue opens up with the Squad ( Deadshot, Savant, King Shark, Lime & Light ) in Gotham fighting a bunch of Harley Quinn cosplay transvestites. As far as I'm concerned this could also be taking place in San Francisco California. The story then switches to Harley at the institute where she first encountered the Joker while she was working as a shrink. She's there looking for information

on where to find the Joker and it's then that we're treated to these flashback sequences of how their "relationship" first got started. You can see some of that origin recap from the issue here: Meanwhile the Squad defeats the Harley Quinn transvestite goons after which we get treated to some pretty shocking revelations. It turns out Savant was part of the whole bogus torture/interrogation sequence in issue #1. What appeared to be Savant cracking under pressure and spilling his guts was really part of Waller's deception in order to determine which of Belle Reve's convicts was worthy of being part of Task Force X. We also find out that Yo Yo wasn't killed when King Shark ate him. Although I don't know how much longer Yo Yo can survive inside of King Shark's mouth. The issue wraps up with Harley discovering that Joker's "face" is with the Gotham police and goes to police HQ to get it. But instead of trying to sneak in or fight her way in she turns herself over to the GCPD which means if the Squad wants her back they now have to go up against the police.
My thoughts: Just when you think you know where the story is leading you in this title it fakes you out with a twist or turn you never saw coming. This is another great issue that has it all. It's got action, dark humor, psychological power play, shocking surprises and psycho transvestite mutants. Rather you're a Joker fan, Harley fan, Suicide Squad fan or a fan of all three like me then rest assured this issue is for you and worth every penny of the $2.99 cover price.
Can you gu

ess who this is?. If you want to check out some preview art and commentary of upcoming issues follow this link. You'll see that even after the Hunt for Harley Quinn story arc is done there's gonna be much more cool shit in store for us in the pages of the Suicide Squad.
Great review. I think you have me convinced to give this series another try. Especially if that chap above is coming back.
ReplyDeletewell hello there Martin i don't believe i've ever seen you over here before. indeed you would be wise to heed my review. even though i'm an old school Suicide Squad fan if i thought the new series sucked i would say so.
DeleteI like this new squad more after every issue. Your header or banner has the right line up everybody else is cannon fodder. The crossover stuff that's happening is definitly the way to go.
ReplyDeletethe header banner is based on all the characters i think are gonna be the regulars on the squad from what i've seen so far in the series as well as the upcoming previews. of course i hope to have a reason some day soon to add Boomerang and Bronze Tiger to that banner.
DeleteGreat review. I'm glad Yo-yo is still kicking and I'm eager to read this.
ReplyDeletewell i hope i didn't spoil too much for you about it with this posting.
DeleteIts's okay, I don't mind :)
DeleteNice review mr! I saw the classic returnee in the solicits for Resurrection Man and was stoked. His relationship with Deadshot was part of what really made the classic version of this team rock. Hopefully that continues here...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThat, sir, is the Earl of Vertigo.
ReplyDeletehasn't anybody picked up on the Hannibal Lectar reference in the clip art for this posting for godness sake!?
ReplyDeleteI got it. But I'm old enough to have seen Lambs in the theater.
DeleteThe face thing?
ReplyDeleteno silly that was a couple of postings ago. look what the Joker is saying to Harley at the top of this posting.
DeleteMissed it completely!
Yahooo! Vertigo is back, and I hope that he is still a nutter. By the way, I twigged the Hannibal reference, or else it could be the eggs, ha!