Do you feel sometimes that even this blog doesn't give you quite enough of that Suicide Squad fan boy or fan girl fix that you crave every week? Well then I may have just the thing for you. I present you with Siskoid's Task Force X reti

rement files. It's pretty much what it sound like although the the term "retirement" is kinda open ended if you know what I mean. But basically this series catalogues all the former Task Force X members who have concluded their tour of duty with The Squad. So far it's been pretty fun much in part to Siskoids sarcastic sense of humor and meticulous attention to detail. The sample entry you see here to the left can be magnified for easier reading by left clicking, or just go directly to the 3 postings so far in the series. Look tomorrow for the 4th installment of the retirement file series. You can find Siskoids Blog of Geekery here in the blog role in the right hand column.
Just found out some sad news today.
Dwayne McDuffie who was one of the main writers, editors and producers of the the Justice League Unlimited cartoon just died in some manner of surgical complications. My deepest condolences to his friends, family and all his fans. The Justice League Unlimited cartoon was probably the best ever TV animated series based on a comic book title. I love it that the writers didn't leave Task Force X out of the series. There was at least one episode based on a Task Force X mission and numerous others that guest starred Amanda Waller, Captain Boomerang and Deadshot. And I'd like to say that they were all portrayed quite well and faithfully to the comic. Not too mention I've used Youtube episode links and clip art from the series for several postings to help enhance this blog site. Dwayne McDuffie has made his mark on this blog as well as in the comic book industry and in the hearts of millions of people around the world I suspect. In a rather bizarre twist of fate McDuffie passed the day after his birthday (February 20, 1962 – February 21, 2011) and was born in Detroit Michigan just like me.
That is indeed very sad. It was definitely one of my favorite cartoons, one that I still watch on DVD to this very day. He shall be sorely missed.
ReplyDeleteI actually only ever watched the Task force x one.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if it shows here. I whatched it on you tube. Still it was very entertaining, verey well writen and very in character. I really loved it.
It was a great job.
I still need to read Siskoid's post, but I was very shocked and disappointed to hear of McDuffie's death. His Damage Control series was always a favorite, and his recent run on the FF was one of the best, in my opinion. And, of course, the animated JL is the best version of the team ever.
ReplyDeletefolks i'm telln ya if you like this blog chances are you'll find the Task Force X retirement files a fun read. take my sage like advice have i ever lead my flock astray thus far? and speaking of the JL, i just checked out a series of Young Justice episodes. that show rocks! with that title it's really easy to write off that series as just another lame watered down kiddy dog & pony show like the Cartoon Network's Teen Titans. same with the Brave & The Bold cartoon that show sucks ass too. animation and all. DC definitely has gotten it's thunder back with Young Justice.
ReplyDeleteSiskoid has always brought the awesome, so no worries there. I cannot, however agree with you on Teen Titans Go or Brave and The Bold. They're two of my favorite animated shows of the last ten years. Not "serious" in tone, sure, but lots of fun. But hey, we can't all like everything, right? For example, in my opinion, Young Justice is overdoing the "emo Superboy" riff, although I still think the show has potential.
ReplyDeleteNow....off to Siskoid's lair to read that post! :)
Wow...that's a lot of posts! This is going to be cool!
ReplyDeleteoh man i just dissed some of your favorite shows with out even knowing it sorry about that Max. yeah i'm not a big fan of campy humor. the JLU cartoon interjected humor well with out it coming off as being silly and turn the adventure into something i couldn't take seriously anymore as a drama. that's just me Max, but rest assured my friend your comments are welcomed here none the less. glad you enjoyed Siskoid's site.
ReplyDeleteI liked Teen Titans, but Batman Brave and the Bold? I thought it sucked. My 4 year old loved it though. She thought it was "the coolest show on tv". I thought Aquaman was funny as hell, but other than that, I just couldn't get into it. Young Justice however is, in my opinion, the best cartoon on tv today. Maybe one of the top 20 tv shows period.
ReplyDeleteOkay, just saw the first part of that Young Justice episode in you Tube and apart from Robins voice and little gigles it really was very cool.
ReplyDeleteThe new Aqualad could have kepts his rastas but other that that he's great.
Thank you David.
I'll go watch the rest to see if it keeps as nice.
i've watched about 6 of the episodes now and i still think this show is fantastic. the animation is especially good. the characters are drawn more realistic then the style in JLU and i even like those little touches they do like the digital type that comes across the bottom of the screen letting you know where that scene is taking place.
ReplyDeletei think the interplay between the characters is really good. the whole concept of Superman having to deal with having a "son" when it comes to Superboy is an especially interesting concept. i like the sound effects the show uses and the voice actors work pretty well with their characters. what ever kinda of little things about Young Justice there is to nit pick it is far out out weighed by what it has going for it.
i can see how Red Arrow's attitude and Superboy's constant daddy issues brooding could get a bit tedious but like i said before pretty minor stuff over all. i like all the Young Justice Characters but i think i like the brother Aqualad the best. he's very Optimus Prime like
Aliera, it's gotten better with every episode. The animation has remained pretty flawless, the characters are well written, and the storyline is really strong too. You'll enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteYeah. I did!
ReplyDeleteSaw two episodes now.
I'll try to find the time to watch more.