Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu just delivered rousing speech to the U.S. congress yesterday
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNnHArM2P9s&playnext=1&list=PL14874281775D93DAI I think it was one for the history books. In the speech he hit on a lot of truths that the propagators of anti-Western rhetoric both terrorists and terror enablers like the radical left would rather you not know. For those of you who are informed individuals you know this already but even in the DC Universe these truths are self evident. One of those truths Netanyahu spoke of is that there are over 1 million Arabs living as

Israeli citizens who enjoy more freedoms and rights then the average Arab has in any Arab country. Checkmate's Black King is Taleb Khalidi, an Israeli Arab Bedouin who ascended to that position on the heels of an extensive education and professional career in Israel as an Israeli citizen. So much for that tired leftist mantra of Israel being an "apartheid state". Another point made was to remind people how close the and important the relations

hip is between the U.S. and Israel. The Suicide Squad's first assignment in Israel involved thwarting the terrorist plans of Kobra which is basically like DC's version of hamas or al-qaeda. And just as Kobra is a mutual enemy of America and Israel the same is certainly so of hamas and al-qaeda in the real world. Netanyahu also mentioned in his speech how Israel is a strong country despite it's size and that it is quite capable of defending it's self with out the aid of American troops. This is also self evident for any one who knows the history of Israel's wars with the Arab world. And to all those leftist terror apologists out there who would attribute all of Israel's military accomplishments to American aid let me remind you that it takes much more then just weapons and money to win a war or an up hill battle. Otherwise America would have won in Vietnam, and our job in iraq and afganistan would have been done long ago. You fight with your head first, and then your fists. That's basic strategy in the art of war. Right click on the images to enlarge them for easier reading.

Excellent post Dave. And all very valid points. I do love it when writers of comics seem to have more of a looking glass into world affairs than the people dealing with it. Of course, that's probably because they have to come up with a reasonable plotline that makes sense, and reasonable people to deal with it in a reasonable way. As in, one that will actually get the job done. Save the day, protect the innocents. I wish more world leaders would take a page from Netanyahu's playbook, and see the world as it is, with facts, and not propaganda.
ReplyDeleteit's one of those cases where art indeed does imitate life. or more specifically reality. this posting concept has been in the back of my mind for quite sometime now but it wasn't until recent events in the news that i was able to really fine tune it enough to publish.
ReplyDeletehey folks i just wanted to give you all a heads up about a problem this blog seems to be having with accepting comments. it seems to be a somewhat intermittent problem and i don't know if it's going on with Blogger or just this blog but i've gotten some complaints via email about people not being able to leave comments in the last 48 hours. apparently posting with the anonymous option might work in some cases. i don't know as of what the $%&@ the problem is but it's really pissing me off!
ReplyDeleteby the way the former deputy counsel general (the #2 guy there) Ismael Kaldi of the Israeli Consulate office in San Francisco is an Arab Bedoun and a Muslim. he recently wrote a book about his called "A Shepard's Journey".
ReplyDeleteHey kids, if you can't post to blogs, follow this link for instructions on how to fix the problem.
Well put as always Dave. And Random, the folks who make the tough decisions on world affairs will always tell us that it's easier to be an armchair politician. I'm thinking it's easier when politicians make a decision because it's the right thing to do, not because you've got to look out for the special interest groups and high-powered friends that got you where you are now.
ReplyDeletehello. I got here!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNice post Dave. I'm so glad, I'm finally able to get in.
Thank you Craig!!!
well shit man, since you were able to fix that Blogger cookie problem maybe we should send you to broker a peace deal in the Middle East i would have thought of it as being Mission Impossible before but now i'm having second thoughts. way ta go Craig! glad to also have you back Aliera. got a new posting coming up tomorrow. gonna switch from Middle East matters to the Martian Manhunter.
ReplyDeleteI don't fly well anymore Dave. I must look like somebody on the no-fly list because I get strip-searched by security whenever I fly now. I don't mind the profiling as it keeps the ass-wipe terrorists from pulling another 9/11. I feel bad for the people in line one ahead and one behind me. I think security takes them so I don't feel singled out or so it's not so obvious they're profiling.
ReplyDeleteAdd to that I can be quite blunt at times, not the best trait for a sales guy I know. Hey, can't take the engineer out of the sales guy I guess.