In the Road Warrior there was this feral kid that was running around grunting and growling and throwing this boomerang at the bad guys. Two guys got whacked pretty good with that thing. One was this fem guy that was like the "boy toy" for the bad guys who got cracked in the head with that boomerang. I guess in the Apocalyptic world of the Road Warrior guys there were in a jail house kinda situation as far as options go if you know what I mean. The other guy who got nailed (no pun intended) was like the chump of the group who tried to catch it in mid air after it was thrown again. And like our Capt. Boomerang who has one, the Boomerang in the movie was also a "razor-rang" cause it lopped that dudes fingers right off ( crickey!) much to the amusement of his "friends". I don't know why it's taken me years to make this connection but the Road Warrior, an Australian movie and Capt. Boomerang, an Australian character. A coincidence that the creative team of this series might come up with this fight sequence? I think not, what say you my friends? And also, how about we petition the comic book industry to finally give us a villain or hero from New Zealand? I mean really in a day and age where we've had heroes and villain's that were everything from disabled to gay, is it too much to ask to have one from New Zealand?
Maybe New Zealand is happy they don't have a villain? Just throwing that out there?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, that's pretty awesome. I've always loved that bit in the Road Warrior. Makes me giggle. It's great they used it in the comic. Nice catch David! Thank you for sharing.
Actually we are like Paradise Island, we have all these amazon woman running round with the odd Hobbit thrown in here and there. You've seen LOTR you know how it is.
ReplyDeleteReading comics I always used to interpret the term 'secret location' as New Zealand. It works in most cases and gives you a really cool vibe. Plus Manhattan has enough super-heroes so it's time to share.
Boomerangs are incredibly hard to throw and catch. I have one my Grandparents gave me but never mastered it - mind you I can't skip stones either and I'm told it's the same kind of wrist action....
See, I would have been much happier with the character of Cap Boomerang's son if he were patterned after this kid, sub-verbal ferocity and all :)
ReplyDeleteThere actually is a hero from New Zealand in the DCU. One of the Global Guardians, Tuatara, hails from there.
ReplyDeleteRelevant link:
i got a free moment here and i just wanted to say great comments all of you on my Sunday postings. that was some really good info. that came out of it everything from the past Paul Bettany appearances to the links provided by Siskoid. gonna check this stuff out more thoroughly when i get past these next couple of bleedn 13 hour work days! yeah i heard that boomerangs are not as easy to use like they show in the movies.
ReplyDeleteThere aren't any superheroes from Maine either. Well we do have Stephen King and comedian Bob Marley (who if you're not from Maine, you've probably never heard of him). Don't exactly qualify as heroes, or super. You've got Hobbiton, what more do you need?
ReplyDeletehey Cderosby, sorry to hear about no super heroes "representin" from your hood bro. thanks for becoming a pawn on my blog.
ReplyDeleteWe don't have any Portuguese Super-hero either, but hei! The Vanisher in Marvel loves a brothel here :p